Tech Drives

The Times Techies interactions with industry experts point towards business & future growth that is fueled by smarter technologies. The question is whether all organizations have the wherewithal and the right strategies to make their business more agile and future ready.

While the large companies and MNCs have the resources and know-how to quickly move to the cloud when prompted, the real growth area is in India’s Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs). These firms, considered key to India’s $5 trillion dream, contributed 29% to India’s GDP in FY 2022. Remarkable but lower than the SMB contribution to the global GDP which stands at 50%. It’s therefore quite evident that India’s next pillar of growth lies in unlocking value from SMBs. And one of the most potent tools to improve on productivity and economic output is to leverage the power of digital!

Tech Drives have been curated to leverage our vast experience in understanding digital transformation in order to help the decision makers at SMBs navigate the new juncture of strategic technology decision-making. Armed with the right insights and knowledge about the best digital transformation practices that would help optimize resources and make their businesses relevant for changing consumer expectations by enhancing experiences and deliveries.

Tech Drives will include outreach sessions in 4 cities: Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai & Delhi-NCR bringing SMBs under one platform and empowering them through expert interactions and peer-to-peer networking.

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