Event Schedule

Time Sessions
3 PM - 3:05 PM Overview by The Economic Times Senior Editor
3:05 PM - 3:25 PM Masterclass Session 1: Mr. Harsh Parekh, Co-founder, API Holdings
3:25 PM - 3:30 PM Q & A Session
3:35 PM - 3:55 PM Masterclass Session 2: Mr Yash Jain, Founder & CEO, NimbusPost
3:55 PM - 4:05 PM Q & A Session
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Session by Srinivas Rao, Head of Presales, Lenovo, India & SAARC

* Indicative schedule

Masterclass 2 - Session 1

Technology as a key growth driver

Harsh Parekh
Harsh Parekh
Co-founder, API Holdings

Talking Points:

  • How businesses can scale up (Up scaling) and also revisit their existing operations to keep them in tandem with the prevailing market conditions (Rescaling)
  • What are the cost efficiencies that companies are able to derive as a consequence of implementation of technology solutions and overhaul of existing (legacy) systems.
  • What technology solutions can help small companies grow? How technology can bring in scale-related efficiencies for companies? Examples across different sectors to understand the sector-agnostic power of technology for transformation.
  • Up scaling requires a major thrust on IT systems and processes. How can companies upgrade their existing (legacy) systems without incurring very large costs.
  • As the business scales up, day-to-day managing the growth of the business can be a challenge. What kind of IT solutions can be implemented on a regular basis for the company to ensure its IT infrastructure is robust to handle additional/fast paced growth.
  • How can SMBs use IT for rescaling their businesses which is equally vital to remain competitive and financially viable. Rescaling requires difficult and complex decisions like lay-offs etc, how can IT identify best solutions.
  • Re scaling also results in venturing into new areas of business. The role of IT in identifying most profitable and least costly areas for future growth.

Masterclass 2 - Session 2

Technology as a leveller: Enterprise vs SMB

Yash Jain
Yash Jain
Founder & CEO, NimbusPost

Talking Points:

  • Lessons from companies that undertook customized tech upgrades and the long term changes/improvements that it resulted in, including its ability to compete with much larger companies in the same space.
  • Affordable Technology solutions leads to lower costs on many fronts. On opex front, this is in the form on lower power costs/maintenance costs/manpower costs.
  • How lower Opex and Capex costs frees up crucial funds for business operations and aids faster business growth.
  • Efficiency is everything for small businesses, as budgets are lower and entrepreneurs are often overwhelmed due to less time to address multiple challenges. How technology can lead to a 100 percent or more increase in operational efficiency. Operational and long term improvements in running businesses after implementing tech solutions.
  • Most SMBs don’t have segmented and clearly defined business areas. Technology can be help in streamlining key processes and bring in greater efficiencies.
  • What kind of uptake have revenues seen after implementing digital improvements.
  • Despite smaller size, how SMBs are able to sell better after undertaking adequate IT solutions.
  • Impact in addressing and solving managerial issues like access to credit for SMBs.
  • Impact in addressing key operational challenges like attracting better talent after undertaking targeted and successful tech transformations.