Event Schedule

Time Sessions
3 PM - 3:05 PM Overview by The Economic Times Senior Editor
3:05 PM - 3:30 PM Masterclass Session 1 - Deepak Jain, Co-founder, Flexiloans
3:30 PM - 3:35 PM Q & A Session
3:35 PM - 4:00 PM Masterclass Session 2 - Anagat Pareek, Advisor, Cyber Sierra
4:00 PM - 4:05 PM Q & A Session
4:05 PM - 4:25 PM Session by Sanjay Sharma, Senior Solution Architect, Lenovo - North and East India

* Indicative schedule

Masterclass 1 - Session 1

Business Transformation Through Technology

Deepak Jain
Deepak Jain
Co-founder, Flexiloans

Consumers, Societies and businesses are in a constant state of transformation. Businesses are getting disrupted faster than ever before. The use of modern-day technology has become a must for organizations to win the ever-evolving global game of success. Any organization that is not in tune with the speed and composition of global digital trends is at a huge risk of becoming less relevant. Success of any business today depends on how well and how fast it responds to the ever-changing business environment, reimagining how their company could be rebuilt around innovations, disruptions and digitalization to achieve sharper and sustainable growth.

This session will highlight the benefits that accrue from embracing technology and its 360 degree impact on business.

Talking Points:

  • What are the tech solutions which can help companies grow exponentially
  • How can companies increase scale through the use of technology
  • Digital reinvention and understanding current technology and assessing its relevance
  • How technology can bring in benefits related to lower Capex and Opex costs for business growth
  • Use of tech for key operational matrix like higher employee productivity, easier access to capital, higher return on investment and lower failure rates.
  • 94% of the companies surveyed in a recent study expect their IT infrastructure to increase in next 2/3 years. What would be the broad areas where this investment would reap maximum growth opportunity for SMBs

Masterclass 1 - Session 2

Info-Sec and Data Protection for SMBs

Anagat Pareek
Anagat Pareek
Advisor, Cyber Sierra

One of the biggest challenges that small and medium businesses face regularly is their inability to protect their data from digital attacks. As cyber-attacks get more sophisticated and as technology becomes the backbone of industry 4.0, SMBs will have to play catch up to ensure their data networks are more resilient. SMBs will have to undertake upgrades to create more robust digital infrastructure.

Talking Points:

  • Why SMBs need to focus more on protecting their data and what are the kind of systems they need to put in place for the same
  • Since cost is a major challenge for SMBs, how can an area as vital as information security be handled without escalating costs significantly.
  • As per the Ipsos survey, most companies in the manufacturing space and almost 65 percent in the services sector feel adapting cloud Technologies has been one of thekey challenges impacting business. Why should SMBs adopt cloud tech and what are its non-linear benefits
  • What kind of training/reskilling SMBs must invest in to ensure they are geared up for the challenges related to information security.
  • A case study (a company that you have been part of/advised would be ideal) to highlight how technology can play a key role in protecting present and future business interests of SMBs.

Masterclass 2

Coming Soon